
Showing posts from January, 2023

English writing Skills

  English writing Skills 1-Ensure that you understand the ideas  you are writing about. 2-Outline the message if it is complex. 3-Consider the queries of your audience. 4-Avoid giving unnecessary  explanations. 5-Don't use too many prepositional  expressions. 6-Get rid of the extraneous words and  phrases. 7-Don't use adverbs to strengthen weak  words. About English writing Writing is one of the four abilities in English education. Some students want to make their theses and dissertations in English in order to reach their theoretical degrees. English work is actually the operation of global and intercultural communication with native-speakers and non-native speakers, in academic areas. 》It is a skill that can be learned by studying other languages. 》It is also an important tool for learning new skills and developing ones that are useful in everyday life. 》Writing is a way of communicating ideas, thoughts and feelings. It is a means of expressing oneself through words.

Different periods of English literature

Different periods of English literature English has evolved over this way of more than 1,400 periods. The earliest varieties of English, the group of West Germanic (Ingvaeonic) dialects taken to united kingdom by Anglo-Saxon colonists in the fifth century, are together named Old English. Part English started at the late eleventh century with that Norman conquest of England; this was the period at which English was influenced by past French, particularly through its Old Norman dialect. First Modern English started at the late fifteenth century with the beginning of the printing press to London, the publication of the queen James word and the beginning of this Great Vowel Shift. Mid ENGLISH: This translation of ENGLISH spoken after this Norman Conquest from 1066 but before 1450 or then. Before the Norman Conquest, the standard version of English was Old English or Anglo-Saxon, the German word that is difficult to understand without special education. The inflow of Norman French and Lat

Why Learning English is important?

  Why Learning English is important? Reason does everyone make saying you that you should learn English ? Why studying English is crucial? Well, we all learn that English has turn into the international word, which means that most of these nations in this world think English as their second language.  Then why don’ ’t we check out this place below to learn more about benefits of teaching English? English is the word of engineering, particularly superior technology like computer science, genetics, and drug. If you’re starting to have documents associated with those areas, you’ll likely get to see them in English. In other words, English is an important way to increase and lighten up the outlook on the world. Without English, the way to the world of knowledge would be restricted. As the French Proverb goes “ you live a new time for every new word you talk. If you know just one word, you just go when ”. Far, once you are fluent in English, you can get more chances to discover about differ


ENGLISH CONVERSATION FOR COLLEGE ADMISSION If you will  go on interview and how do you get,  whichever course you are looking for  getting admission into college so you go,  they meet the respective people and  you're supposed to take what with you or  your certificate if you have any and  then answering the question correctly to  get what you want. So Here is a Conversation between Sir and Max. 👇 Max : Good morning sir,  I am Max. Sir :Good morning, Please be seated.  (So Max goes in, meet the person  concerned, says Good morning then he is  asked to sit down.)                Max :  Sir, I would like to  see be admitted into this college or You  can say, Sir, Could you please help me how  to go about the admission at your  college.  Max : I have come about seeking an admission in  your prestigious college.  To the course that, I am searching for ........  Sir : Have  you brought your school certificates  with you? Or Have you got your school  certificate?  Max : Yes, (you will ha

Parent Teacher Meeting (Spoken English)

  P arent Teacher Meeting One of the most advantageous aspects of education is establishing supportive relationships with parents. Effective parent-teacher communication is important for the teacher to be productive. The better relationship between parents and the teacher is valuable towards maximizing the experience that the teacher has with the student. The student who knows that the teacher transmits regularly with their parents and who knows that their parents believe the educator would probably put more effort into education. According to parents, highly communicative teachers offer frequent e-mail connections, often update online portals, phone or book, can schedule more parent-teacher meetings, and send completed work home. Teachers have their most committed parents go to parent-teacher conferences, react to teacher connections, encourage their kids with homework, and reach out to the teacher independently. In 2007, nearly 89% of students at kindergarten through twelfth grade h

How to be confident in any situation? (Spoken English Course)

How to be confident in any situation? This’s not to say learning how to be convinced can solve all the problems. Everyone has terrible times or minutes that upset them. Being convinced also doesn’ ’t think you’re entirely true of yourself at all times. Making trust is not about recognizing it all; it’s about believing that regardless what happens in the specific place, you’ll be able to control it and learn from the outcome. Learning how to be self-confident is critical in every part of the experience, but there are some cases where it’s important, particularly on occasion where you have the feeling of giving up. If you are a leader and in a job that involves being credible and honest, being convinced is non-negotiable. No one can understand the human who seems unsure of themselves. Lack of self-confidence will severely affect the ability to put together the winning team and take them to accomplishing the organization goals. As you know that Gaining more trust in cultural positions t

History of English Language (Spoken English Course)

 History of English Language The history of the English actually began with the arrival of three European tribes who occupied UK during the fifth century AD. These clans, those Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes, crossed the North ocean from what day constitutes Denmark and North Germany.  At this moment the inhabitants of UK spoke the European language. But most of these European speakers were forced West and northward by these invaders – primarily into what is today Wales, Scotland and Ireland. These Angles fell from “ Englaland ” and their words was named “ Englisc ” – from which the texts “ England ” and “ English ” are inferred. Their word, now called “ Old English “, was soon adopted as the standard language of the relatively distant area of Europe. Although you and I could make it difficult to understand Old English, it provided a strong foundation for the words we talk today and gave us some important languages like “ be ”, “ strong ” and “ water ”. Tant factors in nineteenth-ce


 SPEAKING AND WRITTING ENGLISH Content: 》Grammer rules 》Best way to improve your English  》Increase your fluency 》Practice Speaking English Here is a vedio of some grammer rule that you need to know before English writing. How to increase fluency? Surround  yourself  with  English .  》Have the radio playing in  English  in the background. 》Learn with native  English  podcasts.  》Watch  English  TV shows, and if you live in an  English -speaking area or an area where many  English  tourists go, just listen to their conversations. Soon, without even realizing it, you’ll be having conversations in  English  too. Instead of just listening to the music, use it and learn  English  from it. Without even realizing it, every time you listen to your favorite BeyoncĂ© track, you’re learning. The best thing about learning from songs you love is that they’re catchy (they’ll stick in your head) and furthermore, the language is everyday  English  so you’re learning how the average person  speaks . Wh

How to Speak in English (Tips for better communication)

 How to  Speak in English? 》Speak with fluency 》Public speaking 》Build confidence 》Tips for speaking What’s the best means to change the English? Learn with friends! What’s the best means to get English-speaking allies? Sleep in the English speaking country! Consider staying with the host home to change the English even more, and be sure to see the building’s variety so that you are in the room with people who do not speak your native language. Have you ever seen this speech “ starting this shark? ” * If you’re not a native English speaker from the USA, you likely haven’ ’t. . . But this language is well understood! Americans use the term when talking about television shows that are no longer exciting because of the difference in the news or roles. As an English student in another country, you can interact with locals constantly and can see unusual and amusing phrases and lingo (like “ starting the shark ” ). The text can improve the words and make you seem more natural while also impr

Difference between Present Perfect and Simple Past Tense (Communication skills)

  This atricle teachs you a technique that will help you understand the difference between  Present Perfect  and  Simple Past Tense.   Starting with the Present Perfect Tense:- 》We use the present perfect tense to talk about finished and unfinished actions. This means, those sentences which are telling that any work has been completed or not completed while speaking. 》Hence, I have eaten food. The work has been completed. I have sent you the reports. 》He has given me my money back. He has answered my call. I have sent you images on Whatsapp.  Unfinished- You haven't sent me images on WhatsApp yet.  He hasn't come home yet. He hasn't returned my money yet.  He hasn't told me anything yet.  To construct sentences with has/have along with Verb's 3rd form. Second, you would use this tense  to talk about recently completed actions. This means those works which  have been completed just recently. As I came to you and I told you that I have told her everything.  If we do